

Malaysa is afederalconstitutional monarchylocated inSoutheast Asia.Peninsular Malaysia shares a land and maritime border withThailandand maritime borders withSingapore,Vietnam, andIndonesia. East Malaysia shares land and maritime borders withBruneiand Indonesia and a maritime border with thePhilippinesand Vietnam.Located in thetropics, Malaysia is one of 17mega diverse countrieson earth, with large numbers ofendemic species.

The country ismulti-ethnicandmulti-cultural, which plays a large role in politics. TheconstitutiondeclaresIslamthestate religionwhile allowingfreedom of religionfor non-Muslims. The government system is closely modelled on theWestminster parliamentary systemand the legal system is based oncommon law. Thehead of stateis the king, known as theYang di-Pertuan Agong. He is anelected monarchchosen from the hereditaryrulersof the nineMalay statesevery five years. The head of government is theprime minister.

The country is bestknown for its beaches, rainforests and mix of Malay, Chinese, Indian and European influences.